Monday, June 22, 2009

Taylors Tball #9

Taylor had so much fun playing. Sometimes he was more interested in the bugs on the ground then playing. We have a scientist I think. Smart like his Dad. Usually on tball, they only let them run one base after a hit. The last game they let them hit the ball and then run the bases as far as they could go before they got them out (although they would never get out) , just like in real baseball and Taylor hit 2 homeruns!!! He is a great hitter. Taylor says he will definitly be playing baseball next year. He is excited because we told him that if he chooses to play for awhile, we would get him all the "stuff" for baseball like a bag, bat, helmet and all that good expensive stuff. I can't believe I have a son old enough to play tball. It is only the start I am told.:)


Heather said...

Your child is sooooo photogenic!

Lia McGee said...

I will never forget my brother playing ball. He did it for a few years. Oh Man! When they first starting wearing cups it was the funniest thing! First day of ball was also picture day and there they were standing in line "checking to see if each other was wearing their protection. This included them standing with hips forward and other boys knocking on their crotch. I am laughing just thinking about it. Look forward to hearing from you. I'm glad we are still friends. For a little bit, I wasn't sure. Not to make you feel bad, but I have called you a couple of times. Thanks for finding my blog and leaving a message. Happy Summer. Miss your parties!