Monday, November 24, 2008

Well this is new for me. I figure it is about time I jump on in and see what all the hype is about. I feel a little computer illiterate but hopefully this will help me get over that.
Well, Taylor is now 5 and Brennan 2. They are both soo cute and wild. We have a lot of fun. They are still young enough for me to not notice that I am the only girl. I guess it is a good thing I like what "the boys" like.
Taylor just started kindergarten this year and is doing great! We were thinking of holding him back another year but decided not to. His teacher also said he would just be really bored if he was to stay in preschool or even another year of kindergarten. He really loves it and is actually sad we are on Thanksgiving break.
Brennan is just starting to be potty trained. He is getting so big! Most of you who have been around him have just found him hillarious so we just keep on laughing. He loves his Daddy so much and they have a great time together.
Nathan is busy working and applying for graduate school. Right now he has applications out to Maryland and will have some out to Rhode Island, Pennsylvania, and one more I can't remember. East coast here we come.
I am home taking care of the kids and trying to start a photography business. I am really excited and hope to get going soon.
Well I am going to try and post some pictures and see what I can do.
Love to all,


amyburb said...

Looks great! Thanks again for today. let me know if Tuesday will work for sure.

The Mrs. said...

I'm so glad you started a blog! Now I'll be able to keep in touch because I stink at that. I miss you guys! Your boys are cuties!

bamabunch said...

Hey Famboyer,
This is Aunt Becky now living with the bunch in Alabama. Kelsey is still in GA going to college at Kennesaw University. She went on a soccer scholarship, and unfortunately hurt her knee early in the season and now she is working on getting it fixed and healed before the Fall. Hopefully, all will be perfect by then. She is doing well in school and of course, like every girl is attached to a boyfriend. We love him, so it is alright. He goes to UGA (University of GA.)getting his accounting degree. He wants to be a Foresic Accountant. Figure that one out. Austin has adjusted to his Alabama school. Although only in 8th grade he is at the high school. High school starts in 7th grade here. The entire school has about 400 people and that's all. A bit different from his GA. school. He still is playing on his GA soccer team, about an hour and a half to practice twice a week. So glad that the gas prices have gone back down. He is also playing soccer here in Wedowee with the 13-17 year old team. He is the Coach, as well. The team isn't half bad. At school he had a class where they took a Hunters Safety course, and now in his spare time, he is working on getting his first Buck. In woodshop at school they made a gun rack. A very practical rural school, I'd say. I hope that they are learning what they need to know to do well enough to get into college! Kevin is still flying those Delta planes. He commutes back to the GA airport, also an hour and half. Of course, he stays gone for about 4 days so only commutes once a week. We all love where we live now, just a bit more driving involved. Fortunately, I can be at home to take care of all the household stuff and make sure everyone is going where they should be. I too love taking pictures and I don't know much about it. I just wing it and hope that it turns out right. Thank goodness for digital! I can just delete the bad ones!
Thanks for sharing your pics.I will have to work on getting some on here. Your boys are sooooooooo cute! It does sound like family life suites you all well! Congrats to Nathan for conquering all that school work. Maybe he should apply to grad school in AL or GA???! Love ya all.....Becky